Thursday, July 16, 2009

Crape Myrtles in bloom!

I wish these crape myrtles were in bloom longer. They are so pretty! I have 3 purple crape myrtle trees in my back yard, and my neighbor has a pink one, which I can also see from our backyard. I love when they bloom they are so pretty.

They seem to bloom mid-July, last year I remember them blooming in August. I'll have to keep track of how long they stay, after the purple falls off, it's just a green tree the rest of the year.

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Garden Update

Summer is here, and my sweet potato plants have really taken off! They are starting to overgrow my other plants, so I need to get out there and trim them back, but it has been so hot!

My aloe plans are really doing well, they are getting so big!

Also, excuse the long grass, planning on cutting it this afternoon after the heat dies off a tad.
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